Day 57: Daleville, VA to Wilson Creek Shelter

May 10, 2013

Today’s mileage: 11.2
Total mileage: 734.7

As usual, we checked out of our room at the last possible moment this morning. We had some delays with our laundry yesterday at the hotel, so we didn’t resupply until this morning. Delays mainly involving a broken washer that ate my quarters and then Miles having to unjam a nickel from the other machine since the hotel apparently wasn’t going to do anything to help us or refund us our money. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my life, it’s that if you want something to be done right, then you better do it yourself.

Our friend, Minnesota Pete, let us keep our packs in his room while we resupplied. Miles went to the post office first to pick up some new books that my parents had sent from home. His new reading material apart from Cold Mountain includes The Four Noble Truths by the Dalai Lama and Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver. I headed over to Goodwill in the meantime to browse their book section. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if they had Angels and Demons here. As I perused the shelves, what should be there but that very book! A brand new copy nonetheless. While I’m still about 150 pages from finishing The Da Vinci Code, I couldn’t pass up a $1 book. Alas, I have added more weight to my pack. But as I have discovered, a good book or two is well worth the weight.

After resupplying at Kroger and eating lunch at Bojangles, a place that we had never heard of before, we picked up our packs and headed back to the trail. It was hot and humid today, about 80 degrees when we left around 2. We were instantly sweaty as we hiked through fields between Daleville and Troutville, our packs full of food and books. Miles found a tick on his leg as we hiked through this area. He was able to flick it off before it attached itself, but it’s a reminder to us that we need to start being more diligent about checking ourselves for ticks daily.

We had an ascent up to Fullhardt Knob and then some smaller ups and downs to the shelter spot where we’re tenting tonight. We knew there was a chance of rain tonight, so with clouds rolling in, we decided to get water from a creek about a half mile before the shelter instead of trekking down the long steep hill to the shelter’s water source. As I stood up after filling the Platypus container, the sky was suddenly very dark. It was as if night was falling upon us. We knew the rain would start at any moment, so we rushed to our destination for the night. Raindrops began to fall, motivating us to hike faster. We made it just in time. As soon as we set up our tent and lunged inside, it began to pour.

We opted not to cook dinner tonight because of the rain and because our lunch had filled us up. We ate some snacks, did some reading, and laughed about some moments from our day. We are warm and dry and deep into our books as the rain falls upon our tent.

8 thoughts on “Day 57: Daleville, VA to Wilson Creek Shelter

  1. I just caught up to your current post today after reading all the back entries! I’m really enjoying reading your progress as I prepare for my own hike next year! Seeing how much fun you’re having really reinforces my desire to get out there and go all the way. We’re from NJ and planning to do some training hikes around here. It might sound weird, but after you read so much from someone it feels like you know them and we thought we might meet up with you and Miles when you pass through PA or NJ and talk trail stuff! If you have a chance or desire you can look at our (currently meager) blog at Keep going strong!

    1. That is awesome! It’s not always easy out here, but the good most defnitely outweighs the bad. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. We would love to meet up with you guys in PA or NJ. I’m thinking we’ll be there in June. Let us know and I hope we work something out!

      Love your blog so far. We’re both into running and I’m a photographer, so we’d love to chat with you guys about that as well!

  2. Love the image of lunging into the tent! Check each other as well as yourselves for ticks. It is definately time. We have them here and several of us have found them on us without being in the woods! Too bad we couldn’t just give you some Frontline.

  3. My wife and I are loving your blog ! our son (Garbageman) and his girlfriend (Lil feet) are about two days behind you – they may be getting into Daleville today… Lil feet’s from Maine too and Garbageman graduated UMaine a year ago – maybe you’ll see them at some point !

  4. To help prevent ticks try these little tips. Spray your cloth and sleeping and back pack with Permethin, you can find it at Walmart. Each day, from a bulb of garlic, peal and eat a clove of garlic. It really works, not only with ticks, but mosquitoes too. Something about it just repels the little critters. And, don’t worry you stink so bad, that the smell of garlic oozing from your skin, won’t offend anyone.

  5. Can you give me a drop date to send a small package for you? I waited too long and missed the May 9. Just want to send you a few treats – it’s already to go – I just need to changed the forwarding address.
    Gail Rowe

    1. Hi Gail,

      That would be so great! We appreciate your kindness 🙂

      We will be in Wayensboro by Friday, but since that might not be enough time, I will give you the address for our next town stop.

      Lindsey Gordon and Miles Bisher
      C/O General Delivery
      Harpers Ferry, WV 25425

      Please Hold for AT Hiker
      ETA: May 29, 2013

      Thank you so much, Gail! We look forward to receiving your package.

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